Reconnecting through your creative conscious

Welcome to a creative experience designed by an Artist, Teacher and Specialist Wellness Counsellor. Carl Jung said that in everyone some kind of artist is hiding. This workshop will take you on a wonderful journey back to the true self, the constant unchanging self, the knowing self. Prepare to let yourself go in a holistic space where you will be inspired to elevate your creative awareness. Learn about lost aspects of yourself such as clarity and the ensuing happiness it brings.
Relinquish stress and process your emotions as you reconnect through creative consciousness and self-expression into joy and light.
You don’t need to be an artist, everyone is creative and this workshop is designed to have fun and meditate. The experience does not only involve and is not just about the materials as much as it is about you discovering yourself, In the process of creating. Creativity is a very healing and taps into our inner beings enabling us to learn about interesting areas in our individual subconscious, so valuable in relationships, either with ourselves or with others. You should leave this workshop feeling enlightened.
I look forward to welcoming you on the Tuesday at dinner 6.30pm at Tebaldis.
Cost of retreat is inclusive of workshop on Wednesday morning, all materials, accommodation and two dinners and two breakfasts at Temenos.
R1960pp Phone Mary-Louise on 0795149074 to book
Mary-Louise has been an Art Teacher for over 20 years as well as an award-winning professional Artist and is registered with the ASCHP as a Specialist Wellness Counsellor. She has dealt with many issues around art as she has helped people through life experiences by using the medium and watching them flourish as a result. She is also an open water long distant swimmer who has done the Robben Island Swim, a writer and a very proud mother of three amazing children. Contact her on 0795149074 to book.
The Artist Roy Adzak cleverly states that good art is not what it looks like but what it does to us.